Staff Rules

Here at UtiliBots, we pride ourselves on professionalism - now that doesn't mean to say that humour and "banter" is forbidden.

The staff team depends upon a certain set of rules to ensure the running of the team while also providing a friendly and helpful working environment.

You should respect each other, no matter your position

No matter your rank, your opinions aren't any more valid than anyone else's.

Degenerate avatars are prohibited

If you have any sort of avatar that is deemed to be classified as a degenerate avatar, you may face disciplinary action. This includes anime avatars, furry avatars, etc. If you choose to have one of these as your primary profile, should you have Nitro ($9.99), you should utilise server avatars.

You may freely be staff in other support servers, but mustn't provide competitor Discord bots like the ones provided at UtiliBots

Nobody should be restricted to being staff at just one support server, however, should those support servers provide competitor Discord bots, you shall either pick UtiliBots or that server. You cannot do both due to conflicts of interest.

Support should only be given via the ticket channel

Supporting a member should not be done on their Discord server at all. This is for logging purposes as what is said in another server cannot be tracked.

Staff-restricted content should not be disclosed outside of staff channels

Content mentioned within staff chat, staff announcements, etc, etc should not be shared outside of those channels. Should you need to share it, you must contact a Manager first for approval. Should they deny your request, it is final and you shouldn't argue it with them.

You are unable to change your nickname

The reasoning for this is fairly simple, this is to avoid confusion as to who is who. Should you wish to change your name, you must contact the Director.

Last updated