Ticket Guidelines
When a user opens a ticket, a channel on the Discord server is made, this page will run you through how to effectively provide support.
Senior Supports and above can actively step in on tickets
Anyone holding the rank of Senior Support or above can step in on tickets claimed by other members of the support team. The reason for doing this is that they are more familiarised with the bots in question.
They won't do this just for the fun of it. If you require assistance, ask. Or if they see you need it, they may also step in then too.
Idle Tickets
If a ticket under the channel named normal has been idle of author responses for 12 hours or more, you may proceed to close the ticket using the "Idle Ticket" reasoning when clicking the close button on the ticket embed.
If the ticket is in the priority channel, the ticket can be idle from any author responses for 24 hours before being closed as an "Idle Ticket". UtiliBots Support is here to help, be sure to familiarise yourself with its functionality across tickets.
Last updated